Installation of Life Saving Defibrillator

We’ve joined joined forces with our neighbouring businesses to install a potentially lifesaving automated defibrillator unit (AED) near our premises. If a defibrillator is used within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival rates jump from 6 per cent to 74 per cent

British Heart Foundation figures show that:

  • Every year in Britain approximately 30,000 people are struck by sudden cardiac arrest, outside of hospital environments.
  • Around 80 percent happen at home and 20 percent occur in public places like work or schools.  It is in these public places that the victim is at the most risk of death due to the lack of AEDs in proximity.
  • Every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces a victim’s survival rate by 7 to 10 percent
  • Without immediate treatment, 90-95 per cent of cardiac arrests prove fatal
  • 12 people under the age of 35 die each week from sudden cardiac arrest
  • 270 children die from sudden cardiac arrest suffered on school premises


Earlier this year our first aid trained staff had full defib and first aid training delivered by Adam Rooney from Peers & Rooney Training.

The training course focused on the operation of the AED but also included refresher training on casualty assessment, CPR and how to incorporate both into the AED process. The other staff on site also received AED training.

Our Chairman John Lynch said: “Our company has been part of the community for many years now and I’m pleased that we can give something back.  The idea that the machine is available to our colleagues in and around the trading estate makes the sense of community stronger. Also, with the new housing estates being built in the locality it is a good start to friendly relations with our neighbours.’

Kevin Harrop from nearby company Director of XL Engineering added: “With approximately one hundred businesses in such a small area and thousands of people passing through the area on a daily basis it is great to see the equipment installed.  The relative cost of the AED equipment and training is nothing compared to potentially saving a life.”

Trainer Adam added: “Delivering courses such as this can potentially save lives and we need to see more and more companies actively supporting the installation of AEDs.  With having a defibrillator on site, you can hugely increase the percentage rate of survival.”

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