In the Driving Seat with Nick Wade

Welcome to our latest ‘In the Driving Seat,’ feature. A series of interviews we’re carrying out so you can ger to know our fabulous team even better.

This week it’s the turn of one of our tanker driver’s – 43-year-old Nick Wade who lives in Cheshire. He’s worked here for the last 12 years.

Tell us about your job.

I’m a long-distance Tanker driver and love the work. This is the longest I’ve ever stayed with a company. I started here when I’d just turned 31! I travel all over the country delivering chemicals and I’ve been to different parts of Europe working for the company too which was interesting.

What did you do before?

I’ve been a lorry driver since I was 21 and have worked for different companies on general haulage. I did work in heavy haulage too which I enjoyed but it involved a lot of working away from home. At one time I thought about being a plumber, but my Grandad was a lorry driver and we also had a haulage company within the family in the past, so becoming a lorry driver was a logical step for me.

What do you love about your job?

I love driving, getting out and about and seeing different parts of the country, which I would never see if I wasn’t a lorry driver. I have also been fortunate enough to work out of different parts of Europe for the company when they needed me to. I was in Inverness the other day and it was absolutely beautiful. I would never want to be stuck in an office every day. Lorry driving is the perfect job although the long hours can be tiring sometimes.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love running and going on long walks. That’s helped keep me sane during lockdown because although I’ve worked all the way through, it has been tough not seeing my family. In Inverness when I’d finished work, I was able to go on a five-mile run and explore the area which was great.

I’ve also got a dog called Max so taking him for long walks is how I like to relax.

What are your plans for the future?

Just getting back to normality and being able to see my family and friends again is all I want really. I also have some charity runs planned later in the year when events get started again.

And finally, what’s your favourite holiday destination?

I don’t have a favourite holiday destination but I love anywhere with great scenery. I’d get bored just sitting on a sun lounger – I like to explore, see new places and talk to people.  Somewhere where I can go walking and see new things and beautiful scenery would be perfect.

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